Friday, October 17, 2008


Tomorrow morning my friends is nearly here!! We are so excited about the run/walk. I've received quite a few emails about some small details so here's a few answers to clarify questions:
1. Strollers are welcome on the run

2. Registration begins at 8am. To "register" you will just sign your name, donate whatever  you can and get a sticker to run with (no t-shirts....sorry folks).

3. The run will begin at 9am, it will start and end at Rotary Park. The roads will NOT be closed so everyone needs to be aware of cars and give them the right of way. PLEASE be CAREFUL.

4. There will be volunteers at every turn during the run holding a sign and standing next to a cone, so just follow the signs. 

5. We are not going to have official winners. We think EVERYONE is a winner for coming out and supporting Stephanie and her family. 

6. ALL proceeds from the run go to the NIE recovery fund.

7. There will be water at the end and some balloons to send off in Stephanie's honor.

8. Thank you all for being so helpful and for coming out to support NIE NIE.



Rachel Durazzani said...

I ran the 5K for Nie today. One of the most enjoyable races I've ever done. I brought along my little almost-two-year-old and was impressed by all the families and kids there. It was amazing and I'm so glad I got to do it. Thank you!

Jodi June said...

Dearest sweet Sarah,
I can't even begin to tell you how thrilled i was, and what a pleaseure and absolutel delight it was to meet you this morning!

THANK YOU again for all the hard work and dedication that you put into organizing the 5k for NieNie! it was an absolute FAB turn out. Do you think we could have asked for a more beautiful morning? dont' think so... God knew that it was a VERY SPECIAL day! YOU are a ROCK STAR! Thank you again! it was SO MUCH FUN!

p.s. I have SO MANY fun pictures to share with you. So many of them turned out SO CUTE! If you have a preference on how you would like me to send them to you, please just let me know. I took them on a higher quality picture setting, so they are fairly large at the moment. I could set up a special PhotoBucket account... or anything of the sort. Let me know if you prefer anything else.
Thank you again!

whitneyingram said...

The 5k was awesome. Good work. Let's do it again in the spring!